Puppy Pickup Information

Puppy Pickup Locations:

Sherman, TX

Durant, OK

*The specific location is discussed when the puppy is reserved; The specific time of pickup is discussed closer to the day of pickup.

What you can bring:

A laundry basket with towels/blankets (Of course, you can always hold your puppy in your lap instead)

If you have a longer trip:

A water bowl

A harness and/or leash

Extra puppy pads (Or you can ask us for some!)

What we send home in your puppy’s goody bag:

A folder with all your puppy’s paperwork (We go over all of it with you at pickup)

A blanket with littermates scent (Puppy has been away from his/her mom for several weeks at this point)

A puppy pad (incase the puppy needs to potty on the way home)

A bag of treats (the treats we use are listed under our “Amazon Links” tab)

A small bag of puppy food (the Science Diet puppy food is linked under the “Our Favorites” tab)

A toy

A tennis ball